Frequently asked questions relating to Covid-19

Things to know before you travel to Maldives

  1. A confirmed booking in a tourist establishment registered with the Ministry of Tourism is mandatory.

  2. Tourist resorts, liveaboard vessels and hotels located on uninhabited islands are open for bookings starting from 15th July 2020.

  3. Guesthouses and hotels located on inhabited islands will open for bookings starting from 1st August 2020.

  4. Tourists are advised to directly check offers and operational status with the preferred tourist establishments.

  5. Tourists who are visiting the Maldives during Phase 1 of opening shall book their entire stay in one registered establishment. Exemptions will be made for transit arrangements.

  6. Tourists can do their Health Declaration online through Immigration portal.

Things to keep in mind relating to your flight and arrival to the Airport

  1. All arriving passengers should wear masks.

  2. Physical distancing should be ensured.

  3. Hand sanitization at entry to the arrival terminal.

  4. Passengers should submit a health declaration card upon arrival.

  5. If a passenger has fever, cough, or shortness of breath on board the flight it should be informed to the local Health authority.

  6. Tourists will be provided a free 30-day tourist visa on arrival

  7. All arriving passengers must undergo thermal screening at entry.

  8. Tourists will not be required to present any medical tests or be subjected to any quarantine measures upon arrival.

  9. Tourists presenting symptoms of Covid-19 will be subject to a PCR test at the traveler’s cost

  10. If the result of the PCR test is positive, the tourist may continue isolation at the booked resort (if the resort allows) or will be transferred to a designated state-run isolation facility (for liveaboard or guesthouse bookings).

  11. If the result of the PCR test is negative, the tourist will be released from isolation and may travel to their destination.

  12. A symptomatic tourist will have to follow restrictions on attending public places.

  13. Contact tracing should be done for the symptomatic patient. Contacts who are tourists can be quarantined in their destination resorts until the PCR test result of the patient. Contacts will be released if the test is negative.

  14. If any tourist gives history of contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19 within 14 days prior to arrival (as per passenger health declaration card), the tourist must be examined at the airport clinic.

  15. If the person is asymptomatic, he/she will require to be quarantined. If the person is symptomatic, a sample should be taken for PCR for Covid-19 and the patient should be sent to a designated facility for isolation.

  16. Local health authorities may conduct random testing at no cost to travelers.

  17. Installing the contact tracing app ‘TraceEkee’ is encouraged for all tourists. Download TraceAkee from Playstore and Appstore.

Things to keep in mind for Departure from Maldives

  1. Tourists who are not in isolation or quarantine will have to undergo an exit screening prior to departure from the place of stay.

  2. The exit screening questionnaire should document any history of fever or respiratory symptoms within the prior 14 days. Temperature should be checked to exclude fever.

  3. Routine testing for Covid-19 is not required prior to departure, however during exit screening if any tourist is found to have fever or symptoms suggestive of Covid-19 within the prior 14 days, they should undergo PCR testing for Covid-19.

  4. Testing services are available in the Maldives for tourists who require Covid-19 test results to return to their countries of origin or another destination.

Steps taken on board Dhinasha

  • The health and safety of our Guests and Crew is of utmost importance to us and we have put together a guide to ensure your safety

  • Dhinasha Health & Safety Plan

Important Websites for further information